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Your Art Class is a series of black and white beginning drawings for you to complete and then do on your own. The lessons have been scanned digitally and are available for you to download.




What's included in each Digital lesson?


  • Information about the subject

  • Tip on how to complete the lesson

  • A Music Suggestion to listen to while doing the lesson. Become an art D.J. and get the creative juices flowing. The music connects to the lesson in some way. If it doesn't suit you try another tune.

  • Enrichment ideas. Become a gallery curator with suggested artwork or activities that inspire. The best way to get involved in art is to appreciate great artists and artwork.

  • An Aspect of Art that is used in the lesson and included in the glossary of art terms. You learn an aspect of art by doing it and observing it. 

  • 3 color examples of ways to complete the lesson using the Aspect of Art that is suggested. The color examples are samples and are not meant to be copied. 

  • Anywhere from 4 to 8 black and white drawings to either complete or use as an example for how to complete on your own. 



You will learn as you teach yourself or guide others along. Do more art, stress less.  A lot of fun information and music suggestions help you with the process and/or help you to instruct or guide others. Your Art Class gets the creative juices going. 

Your Art Class has been used by students from 3 years old as well as students 103 years old. The lessons are fun and easy to teach others. They have been used in schools, rehab facilities, nursing facilities, camps, and by many parents for extracurricular activities. If you try the unique process, you will learn to become an artist.



Supplies you might need:


  • Card Stock: Get this heavy duty paper in a big pack at an office supply store.

  • Pencils, Sharpener, Big eraser: Makes drawing easier.

  • Color pencils, Crayons, Twistables (Crayola is the best): for applying color.

  • Watercolors & a good brush: Also for applying color, but a little more difficult!

  • A binder with plastic sheet protectors to put the completed art in.



“One lesson, for one hour, once a week” is the motto of Your Art Class because you will have an art program and attend art lessons if you stick with the process of doing a different lesson every week. You will learn about art with one lesson each week. Try completing the week’s lesson different ways, using color pencils, crayons, markers, or inexpensive watercolor paints. The great art masters had apprentices and students who would do the same subject over and over until they got it.


Besides the black and white drawings, color samples, introduction to an aspect of art, music suggestion, and enrichment ideas each series of Your Art Class highlights each month because everyone loves their birthday month. In each series are lessons featuring structures, flora, fauna, crafts, designs, and holidays.  



Each series has 52 lessons, one for each week of the year:



  • First Quarter:       January, February, March:            13 weeks of lessons; Weeks 1 - 13

  • Second Quarter:  April, May, June:                        13 weeks of lessons; Weeks 14 - 26

  • Third Quarter:      July, August, September:              13 weeks of lessons; Weeks 27-39

  • Fourth Quarter:    October, November, December:    13 weeks of lessons; Weeks 40 - 52



There are six years of lessons, each with 52 weeks of lessons:



  • Series A: The flower of each month as well as a variety of subjects and seasonal ideas.

  • Series B: The butterfly of each month as well as a variety of subjects and seasonal ideas.

  • Series C: The balloons of each month as well as a variety of subjects and seasonal ideas.​​

  • Series D: The 12 zodiac symbols as well as a variety of subjects and seasonal ideas.

  • Series E: A carousel animal of the month as well as a variety of subjects and seasonal ideas.

  • Series F: The birthstone of the month as well as a variety of subjects and seasonal ideas.



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