Series B, Quarter 2 Collection
B, Quarter 2: Weeks 14 - 26
Butterflies of the Month with a Variety of Subjects
Covering different Aspects of Art and Design, Enrichment, Music Suggestions
- 112 pages, 41 printable color examples
- 59 printable black and white drawings
B-14 “Your Art Class Enjoys the Spring Azure”. Simplicity. Butterfly 8 pages.
B-15 “Your Art Class Hops for Eggs”. Texture with a bunny and eggs. 10 pages.
B-16 “Your Art Class Plants a Window Box”. Elements of Art in a box. 8 pages.
B-17 “Your Art Class Visits the French Quarter”. St. Louis Cathedral. 8 pages.
B-18 “Your Art Class Flutters in May”. Contrast in design. Butterfly. 8 pages.
B-19 “Your Art Class Decorates a Bird House”. Scandinavian Designs. 11 pages.
B-20 “Your Art Class Appreciates Vincent Van Gogh”. Dominance. 9 pages.
B-21 “Your Art Class Sees Directions”. Non Objective Art in Design. 8 pages.
B-22 “Your Art Class and the Popular June Butterfly”. Color Yellow. 8 pages.
B-23 “Your Art Class Swims with Angels”. Value in color. Angelfish. 10 pages.
B-24 “Your Art Class Sits Under a Palm Tree”. The horizon line. 8 pages.
B-25 “Your Art Class Arranges Flowers”. Variation in art. 8 pages.
B-26 “Your Art Class Erects a Totem Pole”. Unity in art and design. 9 pages.